Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Student Peer Evaluation

Tech Stack used for Development Front End/ UI : HTML5,CSS,ReactJS Components, JavaScript(for interaction,AJAX calls and JSON parsing) Back End : MySQL Database, PHP, phpAdmin,Bash Script, Linux Server, Python. Coding Method Adopted : Strictly structured Object Oriented ...

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Tips for a better battery life

4000 mAh , 6000 mAh be it whatever , if you don't maintain your battery , it won't last for a day. Android phones are up on the rise and recently phones with humongous battery capacity have caught the crowd's attention. Few very useful tips Charging habits : Keep this a routine. Switch off phone --> Charge till 100%--> Pull plug as soon as fully charged -->...

Monday, 21 May 2012

Power user @ Facebook [INFOGRAPHIC]

Power users .....! Who are they ? POWER USER Power users are those Facebook users who can do more in FB than what the average users do ... Suppose if normal users 'like' an average of 4 to 5 items a month , power users 'like' 4 to 5 items a day . That sounds pretty high for you right ? And if you come under the category of power users you are lucky ..... You might...

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

The Science of Projection keyboards

Most of us would have come to know that such things called 'Projection Keyboards' exists only after the video that featured the rumored iPhone 5 was put in Youtube . It happens .........!Sometimes great techs. like this don't get their recognition like the Android OS ,at its first ...... Optical keyboards are just like the same old favs. but it's way of reception of input...

Monday, 2 April 2012

Things not to do with your Google Adsense

Making money online seems to be a simpler job than most other jobs ! And most probably Google adsense is the best way to make money online...

Samsung's Official Naming scheme

Naming scheme , it's with what Samsung has made it's phone reach the people this qui...

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Get your new Pinterest profile in shape

Many people here surfing on the internet may have know about this "Pinterest" It's just another Facebbok ,Google Plus , Twitter like social networking site . Click here to know more 'bout it ! People who see your Pins would want to see who is behind those photos ! So i've got a few tips to get your profile in shape ! Things you've got to care for a better pinterest p...

Thursday, 15 March 2012


Pinterest ! What to say ?Its yet another Social network that has gained recognition as a good competitor in the race with others like Google + , Facebook , Twitter :- It's growth during the past few months is enormous we can say. ...

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Amazon kindle phones are on the way

The Amazon kindle fire tablets that was released last year saw a great welcome from the people all over the world catching a unshakable position in the Tablet market share of the last year statistics . As per the news "Amazon" have decided to put hands into the Smartphones business. The so announced " Amazon kindle phone "  would have OMAP 4 processor. ...

Android phones would run on Intel processors in 2012

Yes the most expected news is here ! In this year's CES Intel showed some of the prototypes of Android Phones fitted with a Intel chip( Intel atom processor - Single core ) on them working at Unimaginable speeds . ...

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