Saturday 24 September 2011


Mark zuckerberg has gone crazy. After google plus was released by google, many thought that it has got better than facebook. For the past few weeks facebook has introduced a lot of new features like the a new box to see the recent updates and the new chat box the video chat with skype and so on.But it has not come to an end zuck has introduced the new look to the facebook profile in the facebook F8 conference held on 23/9/2011. he said the new facebook profile will be available to all the users after 29th of september.It has the new box to show maps and a big banner of your profile picture at the center and too many features.This video shows how to activate it


Apple is gonna release the new iphone 4S with new extrodinary and conceptual features has the new IOS5 .About 35%of the people are planing to buy this new iphone 4S . This phone is exceptionally slim.And apple has given it a new holographic keypad that is when you just drag the keypad outta the screen it appears as a optical keypad as you can see in the video.It has got a projector which makes you see videos off screen on the wall . moreover it has got a lot of features as the other versions of iphones have got.It only gets better and better as new versions are released.

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