Saturday 18 June 2016

Tips for a better battery life

4000 mAh , 6000 mAh be it whatever , if you don't maintain your battery , it won't last for a day.
Android phones are up on the rise and recently phones with humongous battery capacity have caught the crowd's attention.

Few very useful tips

  • Charging habits : Keep this a routine.
Switch off phone --> Charge till 100%--> Pull plug as soon as fully charged --> Use till battery level goes under 10 % --> repeat the cycle

It is very hard to follow this routine , but I strictly adhered to this practice and my old phone had its battery intact in perfect condition for 4 whole years.

  • Match the ratings :
Phone chargers come in various ratings based on the ability of the batteries to accept the charge .The ratings are usually specified in Amps .The charger is basically a rectifier ( Converts AC to DC ) and voltage stabilizer coming in a small pack .

The charger ratings may be like 550 mA , 250 mA ,1000 mA . The more the rating the faster the charging process is , but not all phones can accept a higher rating charger than it is entitled to.

You may have a lot of phone that can fit into the same charger pin because the charging port sizes are almost standardized with all the companies except Apple. Plugging into any charger pin is not the same the as the one you are given from the company. To be on the safer side use only the charger given by your phone seller or if you are patient enough to check for the ratings , make sure that your battery's rating and the charger's rating match up perfectly.

If you happened to use the wrong rating charger regularly then your battery may buff up or leak, making it unusable.
  • Avoid using phone while charging:
The batteries are normally designed to either charge or discharge.If you use your phone while it is charging it will affect the phone's charging rate and cause adverse effects on the phones battery life.

  • Switch off things:
For a smooth charging it is recommended to switch off auto-brightness , wifi , bluetooth and anything that is not used at the moment. Putting the phone on flight mode might as well help.

  • Never use battery optimizer apps:
These apps never do what the promise to . They worsen the charging process . It is recommended that you uninstall any app that promises to boost battery charging etc:-

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