Tuesday 24 September 2019

Student Peer Evaluation

Tech Stack used for Development

Front End/ UI : HTML5,CSS,ReactJS Components, JavaScript(for interaction,AJAX calls and JSON parsing) Back End : MySQL Database, PHP, phpAdmin,Bash Script, Linux Server, Python. Coding Method Adopted : Strictly structured Object Oriented Structure. Style of Development : Quick paced test driven Agile development.
The Student Peer Evaluation web app was done as part of a curricular assignment for the course Software Engineering Concepts at University at Buffalo as a semester long project. I am writing a detailed description of how the project was done below.

Key Features of the Web App

  • Email ID entered is validated to see if it is a student ID.
  • Encrypted and hashed OTP sent to student's email for verification.
  • Each unique OTP received via email expires in 15 mins of receiving.
  • Session cookies maintained to carry data through different pages of app.
  • Each student can select from the list of courses he/she is enrolled.
  • Personalized scoring screen based on selected courses
  • Scoring revealed to only concerned parties to ensure privacy.
  • Student data stored in different DBs for enhanced security.
  • Business logic built on solid Object Oriented PHP code.
  • Dynamic loading of pages based on database entries.
  • Students are given options to see/edit previous responses

Iteration Planning Phase

tools used : Gihub, ZenHub(for project planning and management)

Since we followed a test driven agile development method for development of this project. The instructor acted as the client at the beginning of each iteration. He would simply say in words what he needs without much details. Our team as project planners, will sit with him and inquire about the functionality he is specifying needs to do.
Fig: Zenhub board used for project planning

Once we are clear with the requirements, we then created user stories in a standard format that is understandable by the client who has zero to little knowledge in software design or development.

User Story Definition

A user story is a tool used in Agile software development to capture a description of a software feature from an end-user perspective. A user story describes the type of user, what they want and why. A user story helps to create a simplified description of a requirement. source: www.visual-paradigm.com
Fig: Screen Shot of a sample user story created on ZenHub

As soon as the user stories were created, we created the guidelines for user acceptance tests that the client validates and approves. Usually in a real life company setting, the client defines the UAT but since the client is the instructor, we had to create UATs too.

After the requirements phase was done, deadlines were set. The user story functionalities were divided into tasks and assigned to one or more of the team members.

Fig: Image showing the User Acceptance Tests with clear steps

User Acceptance Test(UAT)

User Acceptance is defined as a type of testing performed by the Client to certify the system with respect to the requirements that was agreed upon. Essentially it has to be easily understood by a non-technical client. 

Agile Project Development

tools used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SMTP, SQL

The final project with all the features was developed in four brief iterations each spaced over a period of 6 weeks during Summer 2019.

Each team member is assigned a few functionalities for development. We created Task Tests for each task which describes criteria to meet to know if the task is completed successfully.

All the tasks are linked to the User Story they belonged to in the first place.

Code Maintenance/Git versioning

Each new functionality added to the web app is committed to a remote local branch created from the develop branch. After the feature is completed, it is tested by the developer to pass the task test. After the code passes Unit Testing, it is committed to remote local branch.

Once the feature is confirmed to work as expected, the code is merged with the developed branch.
In the develop branch all the developers in the team perform Integration Testing on the feature to test if the new feature added does not affect the previous functionality.

Fig: Git code movement for development

After all the features pass the Integration Testing, the code is finally merged with the master branch and delivered to the client for approval.

Screenshots of the deployed Web App

The images given below are the screenshots of the demo of the deployed and live web app. Click on the images for a clearer view.

Descriptions in the order of pictures posted:
  1. Shows the email login screens for the UB students.
  2. Shows that wrong emails are validated and an error message pops up.
  3. Shows the course selection page that is personalized for each users depending upon the course he is enrolled in.
  4. Shows the page where he can see the previous scores he had given for his team members.
  5. Shows the page where he can edit the previous scores the he had given.

Code and Team Members

GitHub Repo
Karthik Vikram
Sidharth Mishra
Goutham Thota

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